(Click on the logo below to go to the ministy's individual site)
Ignite (high school) |
Rise (middle school) |
Youth Confirmation and Sacraments of Initiation |
Ignite is a youth ministry program for high school aged teens. During the school year, we start with the 4:30 pm Youth Mass on Sundays and go to 7:30 pm afterwards! We hope to see you there!
Ignite's mission is "Setting hearts on fire for Christ." Through prayer, teachings, small groups, and, well, fun, we accomplish this goal little by little! Some amazing adults have come out of this program! Don't be shy! Stop on by! If nothing else, you always get a delicious snack/meal! |
Rise is a youth ministry program for middle school aged teens (6th, 7th and 8th grades). We meet throughout the schoolyear on Wednesday nights from 6:00-7:30 pm!
Rise Middle School Ministry is run by adults and high school students whose goal is to live holy lives despite the pressures the culture places on them. They are great leaders and witnesses to the Catholic faith and they bless us with their presence every week at Rise! Friends are welcome! Stop on by on Wednesday nights! |
Middle School and High Schoolers can receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation) through Rise (for Middle School) and Ignite (for High School). In addition to our regular Youth Ministries, Confirmation Students will attend several classes throughout the year, and get several unique and exciting experiences to help prepare them for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
About Us

Krissy Jensen. Krissy is the Director of Youth Ministry at Spirit of Christ and has been a part of this ministry since 2007. Krissy has been a part of the Spirit of Christ Community her entire faith life. Krissy's favorite Saints are Saint Therese of Lisieux and Pope Saint John Paul II. Krissy graduated from CU Boulder with a degree in English and has her Certificate in Youth Ministry from the Franciscan University of Steubenville through the Augustine Institute. She loves to run, she loves her dog, and she loves Nutella and bacon! Come to Ignite on Sunday nights or Rise on Wednesday nights to get to know her better! Click here to read her Catholic blog: http://krissykandid.blogspot.com/
Contact Us
Richard Deanda
Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Krissy Jensen
Assistant Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Spirit of Christ Catholic Community
7400 W. 80th Ave
Arvada, CO 80003
Phone: 303-422-9174
Fax: 303-422-8251
Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Krissy Jensen
Assistant Director of Youth Ministry
[email protected]
Spirit of Christ Catholic Community
7400 W. 80th Ave
Arvada, CO 80003
Phone: 303-422-9174
Fax: 303-422-8251